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Metallized Film Click rate: Release time:2021-10-20 Information sources:Hangzhou Qiyao New Material Co.,Ltd.

Aluminum plating film, through the vacuum aluminum plating process will be high purity aluminum wire at high temperature (1100~1200℃) evaporation into a gaseous, after the plastic film through the vacuum evaporation chamber, gaseous aluminum molecules precipitate to the surface of the plastic film and form a bright metal color film, aluminum layer thickness is usually between 320~480 emm.

Aluminum film production process:

Base material unwinding → vacuum pumping → heating evaporation boat → aluminum wire feeding → evaporation plating → cooling → thickness measurement → flattening → coiling.

Aluminum plating film classification:

PET aluminized film, CPP aluminized film, OPP aluminized film, PVC aluminized film, PE aluminized film, PET aluminized film and CPP aluminized film are commonly used in the market.


1, aluminized film shading, anti-ultraviolet radiation, mostly used in biscuits and other dry, puffed food packaging and some medicine, cosmetics packaging.

2, aluminized film light reflectivity can reach more than 92%, mostly used for heat insulation materials.

3, PET aluminum plating film conventional thickness: 6U / 8U / 12U / 18U.

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